Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Star Wars The Force Awakens Predictions

So, the new Star Wars movie is coming out soon, and for all we know Disney spent $250 million dollars for the 2 teasers and 1 trailer of a movie that doesn't actually exist. In case there is an actual movie on the way, here are some predictions from me:

1. It's actually a remake of A New Hope. The New Order (bad guys in white armor) battle the Resistance (the Rebellion / the underdogs) for control over the galaxy. Now the Darth Vader groupie/wannabe has a fully operating planet destroying weapon (Starkiller Base) to level the playing field. Tthe climatic battle is the Resistance flighting against time to destroy the weapon before it destroys the planet where the Resistance's main base is (with Leia, Han, etc.). Does this sound familiar?

2. Finn is not a Jedi.  I feel like Rey is actually the main character of the movie, and Finn is a decoy. Sure, he's still a main character, but he's not a Jedi. Rey is. Rey is the next Luke, Finn is the next Han, and so on.

3. Han Solo dies in the end of this movie. Harrison Ford has wanted this for thirty years, and sure doesn't want to be in Episodes VIII and IX. Here's the longshot, though: Finn is his son.

So, in Marvel Comics, they introduced a character named Sana Solo, who claims to be Han Solo's wife. Straight out of the Doctor Who playbook, it seems to be half and half where you can believe whatever you want about the marriage. Anyway, Solo dies and gives the Falcon and Chewie to Finn, his son with Sana Solo.

4. Luke Skywalker is not in the movie. Well, not much anyway. He's in exile or hiding or something like that. We see him in a few flashbacks, saying goodbye to R2, etc. Once Rey decides to be a Jedi, she'll need to find where Luke went to just like Luke sought out Yoda. So, Episode VIII will be the search for Skywalker.  He is not the bad guy in black, and he didn't go to the Dark Side. Sorry.