Without a moment’s hesitation, Sara grabbed it and fired the gun rapidly, emptying it into the car door’s window. The glass cracked but did not break. The train sounded like it was right on top of them. Sara used her feet to repeatedly kick at the damaged glass, until it finally yielded. First, Sara pushed out the unconscious attacker out of the window before exiting herself. Seconds later, the train, unable to stop in time, plod through the damaged car.
Hours later, Sara sat in the police station’s waiting room. Her injuries, though minor, were already tended by the paramedics who had arrived at the scene of the wreck. She sat silently, engrossed by her inward thoughts and worries. Detective Daniel Russell entered the waiting room. The years of detective work wore heavily on his face. He, like Sara, had seen more than his share of death and despair.
“Did she talk?” asked Sara, not even turning around to face him as he approached her.
“Her name’s Cynthia Rogers. Various aliases. A number of violations and felons. But kidnapping’s not her game.”
“She’s just hired help. Who’s she working for?” asked Sara.
“Wouldn’t say.”
“Let me talk to her.”
“I can’t. You’re a private citizen now. I could lose my job if I did.”
Sara sighed inwardly. “I understand,” she said at last. “It’s just that they have my friend hostage.”
“Look, you’ve been through a lot,” said Russell. “Go rest up. If there’s any news, I might be able to pass it along to you.”
Sara stood up and gave him a small bow. “Thanks.”
“Don’t thank me yet. I can’t make any promises.”
Sara awoke to the sound of the phone ringing. She was sprawled out on the hotel room bed. She must have crashed there soon after arriving back at her hotel room. She had being running mostly on adrenaline since the accident, and it soon caught up with her. She stumbled with the phone as she cleared her mind of any fatigue.
“Yes?” she said.
“Sara?” It was Russell. “I haven’t much time. She finally broke and gave out the name of a local hideout. We’re getting a warrant right now, so I figure you’ve got about an hour before we get there. Unless of course the Attorney General gets wind of it, that is.”
“Why’s that?”
“He’s been running on a strict no-crime policy, and I mean strict.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” said Sara as she scribbled down the address he gave her.
“One more thing, Sara.”
“We’re even now.”
The line went dead.
Sara drove her car up to the disheveled warehouse that matched Russell’s address. A tall chain fence circled the building. She pulled the car into a shaded alleyway. After cutting the engines, she got out of the car and opened the trunk. She removed the thin carpeting to reveal a secret compartment underneath. From the compartment, Sara pulled out a tan utility vest; its pockets stuffed with tools and gadgets. She put it on and then replaced the compartment. Sara made sure the car was secure before approaching the fence.
Sara walked along the fence until finding a nice dark area away from the nearest streetlight. After satisfying herself that the fence was not electrified, Sara pulled out a pair of clippers and started making a small hole in the fence. Once she squeezed through the hole, she ran for cover behind the large dumpster. From her hiding spot, Sara watched a guard walk by, an automatic rifle subtly hidden underneath his jacket.

After he was gone, Sara climbed up onto the dumpster and jumped across onto the fire escape. Her jump was not quite high enough, and she had to clasp onto the metal railing to stop herself from falling. She pulled herself up onto the fire escape just as the guard came around the corner again. She stood in silence as he walked by beneath her.
Once he was gone again, Sara turned her attention to the door, locked as expected. Sara took out a pair of lockpicks and slowly started to work at the lock. After painstaking work, the lock finally yielded and Sara gained entrance to the building. Once inside, Sara took a look around. She was on the upper level of the warehouse, but it looked like everyone was on ground level. The criminal’s layout was quite extensive. It looked as though they had set up a large laboratory within the confines of the warehouse.
But Sara’s main concern was for Zoey’s safety. Her eyes darted about, searching for any clue as to where they were holding her friend. Determined to get a closer look, Sara went looking for the stairs leading downward. She went down them as quietly as she could. Ducking behind some crates, Sara continued to spy on the busy criminals. She did not want to be here when the police or the Attorney General raided the building, but Sara was unsure where, or even if, Zoey was here. Unfortunately, her decision would soon be made for her.
“Who the hell are you?” came from behind her. Sara spun around, her fist slammed into his face. He was unconscious before he hit the ground. Unfortunately, this was enough to bring her to the attention of the other dozen of heavy armed criminals, none of which were the least bit hesitant to point their guns at an unarmed woman.
Sara raised her arms in surrender. “I don’t suppose you’d want to talk about this?” Sara paused, glancing behind her. She could have sworn she heard something. “Well, you might as well get this over with.”
Gunfire echoed throughout the vast warehouse.
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Written by J M Emmons. The story and all characters are copyrighted by J M Emmons.
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