Friday, November 05, 2010

The Clone Wars Rage On (Quietly)

The third season of "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" started about a month ago, and again, with the start of a season, the series shifts its focus. Of the seven episodes shown so far, only one of them is an all-out battle-type story. All six of the remaining episodes are character-oriented pieces focused more on intrigue and suspense than huge battle epics. The last handful of episodes have been put an emphasis on the female characters including Padme Amidala, Padawan Ahsoka, Satine Kryze, and Aurra Sing.

Tonight's episode will bring the droids into the spotlight as C-3PO becomes a target to bounty hunter Cade Bane. As with previous seasons, C-3PO will be voiced by Anthony Daniels who has portrayed the golden fussbucket for over thirty years in a variety of different media. Talk about commitment to a character! Hopefully, the episode may have a nod or two to the droids' own animated show from the 80s, "The Droids."

I'm not sure how the season will shape from here on out, but I've enjoyed the effort made to flesh out the characters, especially the female ones, and prove that it's not all about the "Wars."

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