Monday, August 23, 2004

My Novel

What kind of writer would I be if I had no novel-in-progress? Future posts should be examining its development, as well as character profiles from it and other short stories. So far I have finished roughly a quarter of the novel, about 60 pages. It follows the (mis)adventures of Sara the extraterrestrial and Zoey Walker, the girl who can talk to machines.

One of the main themes I wanted to focus on was the existence of the ordinary and the extraordinary in not only the universe(s) but in Sara and Zoey as well. Sara, for being a being of immense power and conviction, is also one of the most vulnerable and emotional charcters in the book, while Zoey is just a regular teenager, she also is blessed/cursed with this ability she got after an experiment on Mars.

But do not be misled. This novel is also a very straight foward good vs evil, with James Bond villains: self-absorbed never-do-wells lusting over the mysterious urn that supposedly contains a creature that feeds off of pain and hate, and it just so happens that Sara's the only one who knows where it is. I hope to combine personal philosophy with cheap suspense to create a beautiful piece of writing.

Ugh, that sounded too pretenious, too "clever-clever." But if I'm satisfied with the final work, if there ever be a final work, then that'll be good enough. Though getting it published would be nice, too.

1 comment:

blueguitar said...

You don't sound pretentious- just straightforward. I look forward to reading about this cads and n'er-do-wells and the mysterious urn. Hopefully the villians won't be all straight evil like Bond Villains, but more like people with a different opinion- and maybe a slight desire for power or world destruction. I don't think cheap suspense exsists. You're a quarter done, so hazzah and kudos!