Thursday, April 07, 2005

Hugh Laurie NOT in new Superman Movie

The British actor, best known for his roles in Blackadder and other Brit comedies, was going to be Perry White in Bryan Singer's new Superman movie, but due to an unforseen act of God, (House was renewed for a second season) Laurie now can't fullfill his contract with Singer and must bow out. He's being replaced by veteran actor Frank Langella.

I have mixed feelings about this. First, I couldn't really picture Laurie as White, but then again, being Dr. House, Laurie has shown us that he has a profound gift for portraying irascible bosses. But I'd rather have him in a new season of a good show, than in one movie. Perhaps Singer will hire him in a future role, such as X4 or Usual Suspects 2 or ... well, you get the idea.

1 comment:

blueguitar said...

I'm just glad that hugh laurie gets to be smart in House and not know how to put on his pants or have a butler who is smarter then him.