Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Thank You, iTunes!

This may be old news, but it's new news for me.

Mother 3, the long-awaited sequel of Earthbound (Mother 2), has two official soundtracks made, both of which are available on iTunes. Mother 3i is about an hour's worth of music from the game, nicely polished up. 3i is only available on iTunes. Mother 3 + features mostly songs performed by DCMC, with a handful of BGM from the game, all of which contain themes from past Mother games. 3 + was released on CD, but the iTunes version has a bonus song.

If you're like me, then you have trouble finding anything in the iTunes store. To find 3i, just search Mother 3, and you'll find it all right, but 3 + is labeled Mother3 +, so it won't show up with 3i. Searching for DCMC usually will turn up 3 +.

As a bonus, to get wallpapers and a PDF of 3i's linear notes (in Japanese) click here.

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