Friday, January 23, 2009

Still, and yet more technical delays

I was told the new part for my defunct computer would be in by Tuesday, and it was. Unfortunately, after they replaced the part, the computer still did not work. So, I'm waiting another week for another part, which may or may not fix my computer.

There, within on its lifeless hard drives, is Chapter 14. If there are any more delays, I'll be forced to re-write it from scratch. How is another good question. Afterall, spending five minutes on my sister's laptop, with its contemptuous broken mouse pad, makes me want to throw it out a window. A similarly obtusive one must inspire the level of violence found in the works of Warren Ellis.

How she gets work accomplished on it, on a daily basis, confounds me at this time.

1 comment:

blueguitar said...

I have been brainwashed into accepting that the double tap is "normal". I will double tap at school on the computer and then remember the clicker works. You know you can just hook up a regular mouse, right? That's what I have to do when it refuses to cooperate and I need to make it work!