Friday, October 23, 2009

Comments on Chapter Seven

So, how do you like the "artwork" for the new series?

For the Daring serial, I made everything black and white and used Poster Edge to give the pictures a "drawn" look to them. This was, of course, to make them resemble the illustrations found in yon ol' pulp mags.

Now, we sprung ahead into the age of color! The pictures are treated to give them a painterly look to them. Besides looking stylish, it helps cover up my clumsy alterations to the pictures.

I haven't done the math, but I'm hoping the new serial will have more illustrations than the previous one. Pictures are nice, because they help break up the monotony of words and actual content.


blueguitar said...

I really like the illustrations. I wonder how many hours you spent to make one.

How can your words be monotonous? You're telling us a story!

blueguitar said...

I really like the illustrations. I wonder how many hours you spent to make one.

How can your words be monotonous? You're telling us a story!

blueguitar said...
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blueguitar said...
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prowl72 said...

It depends on the picture. Take the one from Chapter Seven. I had to find a wintery backdrop, someone wearing a winter jacket, and a James Marsden picture that would fit it. So, quite a bit actually!

Hope you're enjoying the story so far.