Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Mandalore Plot

I haven't commented much on the second season of "The Clone Wars," but there's several things I'd like to mention about this week's episode.

1. Obi-Wan's in the spotlight for a change. For one of the few characters in all six films, Obi-Wan always seems to be shoved into the background in this series, and this episode finally gives him a solo adventure. Also, the episode hints at Obi-Wan's past, which is rarely explored, and a previous relationship with the Duchess of Mandalore.

2. The Duchess Satine Kryze is a cool character. She believes in peace and refuses to join the Clone Wars. She's fiercely intelligent not to mention able to take care of herself in a pinch. She also gets to save Obi-Wan for a conveyor belt death trap. Though briefly touched upon, it was interesting how Obi-Wan's and Satine's views of achieving peace differ.

3. I also applaud the series for keeping a realistic approach to war, and does not glorify it. (At least not as much as most children's shows.) While not specificly stating it, the Deathwatch group of Mandalore warriors are pretty much fanatical terrorists, willing to do whatever it takes to get their way. There's even a bombing depicting (not graphically) the deaths of civilians.

While many still make fun of The Clone Wars, I respect the series for keeping things intelligent and entertaining. Next week, we pick up where this episode leaves off.

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