It's been over a year since I last posted something. A lot has happened since then and not much either. I'm really happy that the CW picked up Supergirl for a second season.
Speaking of Supergirl, here is a custom paint job that i have been meaning to do for a while. This is the Microman version of Supergirl. It's basically a Japanese figure of Superman's famous cousin with a very anime looking face. Both Batman and Superman were made in this line, and you can check out the figures more
Unfortunately, the figure is based on Supergirl's 200X design where there is less costume than there should be. Also, what I didn't like about the figure was that the shoulder ball joints were flesh colored instead of metallic blue. (The one thing i really liked was the articulated hair.)
So, with some metallic blue of my own, I painted her mid-drift and shoulder sockets. Now, I'm not sure how long the paint will stay on her shoulder sockets, but it looks good at the moment. Being a fan of Supergirl in the 80s, I had to paint her skirt red though I don't think it turned out as well as her mid-drift.