Sunday, December 26, 2004

Merry Christmas

It's been a busy week, what with jury duty, an interview, and no electricity for a whole day. But somehow I made it to Christmas. I'm just glad that I've already finished Chapter 10 last weekend, before all of this nonsense started...

I hoped that you've taken a little time yesterday, or even today, to consider all that you should be thankful for. There are some people in Ohio that didn't have electricity on Christmas day, and all too often we don't appreciate everything we have until we lose it.

Anyway, sermon's over. I'm still working on more of Zoey's profile, and that Ultraman Nexus OST review. (Like people really care.) GITS 2 Innocence DVD is coming out this week so I'll finaly get to see if the sequel's any good.

Happy Boxing Day everyone!

1 comment:

blueguitar said...

True that we don't realize what we have until we lose it! I must work harder so that I can read chapter 10 too! Stupid question: What is GITS? It doesn't sound good if it's British.

Happy Pugalist day!