Saturday, November 04, 2006

Doctor Who : Season 2 Continues...

The Age of Steel:
Despite a lame resolution to a typical cliffhanger (the Doctor just kills the Cybermen), this episode contains a few great moments among a lot of average ones. Tennant's Doctor is still somber compared to past episodes, as if the Doctor's finally taking an episode seriously for once. The confrontation with the Cyber Leader is Tennant at his best and he doesn't look bad in a tux either.

The rest of the episode is pretty standard horror/action film stuff. Cheap scares. Cybermen coming to life. Falling of a blimp into a huge ball of flames. That sort of thing. It's this sort of uninventive storytelling that's plagued the new series, and made me less than impressed with all of it. It's like Russell Davies, ironically a New Adventures alumni, is trying to erase the last ten years of original novels and much better ideas than what's been presented so far. B-

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