Friday, November 17, 2006

More Doctor Who Mini-Reviews

The Idiot's Lantern:
I suppose the title of last week's episode refers to the televison, though my parents always called it the idiot box, since it's a box that sits in your room and wasn't used to light it. Yet again, the episode takes place in London, although this time in the 1950s, which, I guess, makes it a period piece. I remember liking Mark Gatiss' New Adventures novel, but this episode is lacking with another lame alien invasion story.

I also don't like the new series' British-centric attitude. The old series was much more cosmopolitan: no thick accents, no obscure British references, etc. In other words, the old series was much more accessible, while I feel like an outsider who's out of the loop when I watch the new series. C

The Impossible Planet:
This week's episode, however, is a nice breath of fresh air. It has an air of mystery lacking in many other episodes. The plot revolves around a planet impossibly orbiting around a black hole, thanks to a strange power source at the core of the planet. The whole "we've lost the TARDIS so now we're stuck here forever" thing has been done to death, but the Doctor's finally showing off some of his scientific knowledge instead of sharing a giggle with Rose. Like most episodes, this is mainly generic sci-fi at best, but it has the best cliffhanger done so far. B

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