Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Legacy Collection Wave 2

Continuing my rant on Star Wars figures is a review of General Obi-Wan and Padme from Wave 2.

The two figures are wearing outfits from the first animated Clone Wars series, but are sculpted to resembled the actors from the live-action movies. Hasbro has already made a few figures like this, such as Anakin with ritual tattoos.

My feelings for the Obi-Wan figure are very hard to pin down. First of all, I'm a big fan of Obi-Wan clad in clone trooper armor, and can't wait for the 1/6 scale version later in the year. There's already been much talk about his face, but it doesn't really bother me. Overall, his sculpt holds up, but something seems off with the figure. Maybe the fact that his robes are half plastic and half cloth (and the cloth's pretty flimsy at that.) He has plenty of articulation and accessories: clone helmet, Episode III lightsaber, and lance. B

Padme, on the other hand, is down right perfect. Her cloth cape blends in with her plastic hood. She doesn't suffer from anorexic arms or legs like many other female figures. Her costume is a little plain, but the sculpted fringes on her arms and legs are nicely done. She has almost every kind of articulation you could ask for. Sadly, her only accessory is her pistol which fits perfectly in her holster. A-

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