Sunday, August 31, 2008

What I Currently Listening

1. X-Files: I Want To Believe Soundtrack - A lot more reserved than Fight the Future, and the remix at the end is surprisingly good.

2. The Dark Knight Soundtrack: I'm kind of on the fence with this one. The soundtrack is a better representative of the music in the film, when compared to the first one, but I don't even know if all the music on the soundtrack is in the movie. Unfortunately, some tracks, like the last one, seem to work better in the movie than by itself.

3. Metroid Prime II Echoes: Kenji Yamamoto, frequent composer to the Metroid Series, wrote all the music to the sequel to the first Prime game. While his Dark Overworld themes are little underwhelming, he clearly has a knack for atmospheric music. Plus hearing the cool remixes of some of his old themes from Super Metroid makes it a worthwhile find.

4. Airwolf Themes: Now on iTunes, the long out of print soundtrack featuring music from the cult show is available for a new generation of fans. It's cool to be able to hear the main theme in its entirety.

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