Monday, September 29, 2008

Comments on Chapter One

Yes, it's a serial. If you haven't seen one yet, I highly recommend one, especially a Republic. Chapter One has many hallmarks of the Republic serial. First of all, there's the masked villain. The identity of the main villain is often kept a secret until the last chapter. There's a few exceptions, such as Fu Manchu and Dr. Satan, but these villains are such characters they are usually more interesting than the protagonists. Second, there are the henchman. With the villain preserving his identity, he needs gofers for his evil deeds to succeed. Enter the henchmen. Usually, there's a main henchman, who survives all of the chapters, followed by a bunch of expendable, lesser henchmen. In my serial, I decided to create two main henchmen, Dekker and Ox. Dekker's the typical right-hand man, while Ox is the all-muscle, no brains thug.

But let's get to what's important: the cliffhanger. The cliffhanger of Chapter One is a fairly common one. During a struggle, nearby flammable material catches on fire, and soon our hero is left, unconscious, as the flames close in. Hopefully, next week, the resolution will not disappoint.

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