Sunday, December 13, 2009


The time for celebration of the birth of the Savior, Jesus Christ, has also been a time for great deals.

Seriously, phenomenal deals. And we capitalists aren't at all ashamed of it. In fact, we'd have to be crazy to sell you a toaster for $5.00. Lowest APR ever. Buy 1 Get 1 Free. No, my friend, you're not dreaming. It's our year-end clearance sale. Everything in America must go and fast. By January, we'll be getting tons of new junk from China and Taiwan so the old stuff's got to go.

Why pay off your mortgage when you can buy a flat screen LCD for $399.99? Credit card bills piling up? Put them off till next year after all the Christmas shopping is done. If you're already in debt, what's a little more? Living in a culture of have-nots is a strenuous, full-time occupation, and if you don't have the latest High Def Blu-Ray Big Screen Something-or-Other, then you might as well be homeless.

And just when you want to label me a hypocrite, I do admit that I like saving money, and finding the best deals. I am fortunate that my tastes aren't too expensive, and that I can afford whatever I buy. If times were tougher for me, I hope, by the grace of God, that I am wise enough to follow my own advice.

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