Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Comic Review: Green Lantern: Rebirth #2 (of 6)

Geoff Johns, my favorite Flash writer and apparently a big Hal Jordan fan, is bringing Hal back to basics in this entralling mini-series.

Reading issue 1, I found myself with an unique story, one you can tell was written by a fan not only of Hal Jordan but of the Green Lantern mythos. Throughout the issue, Johns expressed his views and tries to resolve the problems created by the changes made in the last ten years, including Batman's distrust of Hal.

This issue is no different, with Guy Gardner being turned back into a Green Lantern, and the apparent resurrection of Kilowog, though no mention of the Kilowog from Joe Casey's "The Last Will and Testament of Hal Jordan."

But continunities are bound to be stepped on as Johns returns the Green Lantern title to its former glory, but I'll be honest, by daying that my favorite part of this issue was the moments with Hal and Carol Ferris. It was nice to see them both together again even if for the last time.

My only real complaint with the series so far is that Johns continuously makes digs on the Spectre. "This nonsense with the Spectre" And yeah, I moaned and complained when I heard they were making Hal into the Spectre, too, but the innovative and short-lived series won respect from me in the end.

While this issue, like issue 1, seems to have asked a lot of questions without making any time for the answers, issue 3 will hopefully shed some light on what's been going on, and what the future of Green Lantern will be.

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