Saturday, November 13, 2004

My Name is Modesty

I can't say that I'm a lifelong fan of Modesty Blaise, in fact I'm quite the newbie compared to my dedication to all things Saintly. I only recently learned about her at my local comic book store, where Jim Holdaway's art caught my eye: a huge blow-up of Modesty's face, splashed with red and black. It was the cover of the first of Titan Books' new collection of Peter O'Donnell's entertaining comic strip.

The stories are tons of fun to read, strips and novels alike, but what impressed me the most was that Peter, creator of Modesty, had written every Modesty story out there, barring the occasional bad movie adaptation. Here was a man who had total creative freedom of his characters and did what he wanted with them. Something all writers wish for, I guess.

Anyway, I came across a relatively new movie called "My Name is Modesty." Miramax released it just so they could keep the movie rights. It's a low-low-low budget film about a young Modesty who's working at a casino that gets held up, and through a card game with the leader, reveals her past while trying to free the hostages.

So, I've been tossing around the idea about seeing the movie, but two big things bother me about the movie. No, not the zero-budget. Remember, I'm a big fan of Doctor Who and Ultraman. Special Effects aren't everything. First, it's a prequel. I loathe prequels. Period. Second, there's no Willie Garvin. Who in their right mind would make a Modesty Blaise story without Willie? And third, the price for the DVD is 20 to 30 dollars! Three things I didn't like was prequel, no Willie, and price...

Maybe someday, Miramax will make a "real" Modesty Blaise movie, one fans can flock to and call their own...


1 comment:

blueguitar said...

Do you know there is an old Modesty movie? It's probably all '60s hippie spy movie style. It's cool that there is a female spy character who must be pretty nicely written to be an adventurer. Maybe there will be a need for Modesty when the Bond franchise can't find a new 007 or the new ones are bad sans-Bronsan.