Friday, November 05, 2004

One of Our Own

Another disturbing trend in modern comics is the turning of heroes into villains, especially for shock value.

For instance, I was flipping through the last part of the "Avengers Dissembled" storyline (in stores now) and Scarlet Witch is revealed to have been behind the destruction of the Avenger's Mansion and probably the deaths of Vision, Ant-Man, and Hawkeye. (Correct me if I'm wrong, since I'm not actually reading the series. This also brings into play what I've said before about death as a ratings ploy.)

Now, I'm sure the story was well written, and Scarlet Witch didn't really turn evil, as much as just went loco. And it's not the first time something like this has happened. Remember when Iron Man became Kang's spy or something, and the Avengers took a young Stark from the past, and... well, there was all that. Let's not forget Hal Jordan too.

What I'm trying to get at is that we (the fans) like these characters because they're our heroes, and turning them into villains sucks. Who wants their idol turned into a badly written two dimensional villain?

So, Marvel and DC, stop the craziness and leave the heroes alone. Anyway, just like death and any other changes you try to invoke, someone will come and change it back. Just like Hal Jordan.

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